Come dance with us.

A Message From Peter & Paz



Dance North Update – Jan 2025

As we move into the second half of our 2024-2025 Dance Season, we are please to offer the same consistent level of service to anyone interested in starting or continuing with social dance. Should you be interested in finding out more, please look us up under Contacts.


The old adage “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well” rings very true and for good reason.  So it is with learning Dance.  There are no shortcuts, magic bullets or substitutes for practical, experienced leadership backed up by Regular Practice.  We are living more and more in an ‘Instant World’, but it must be said that the results of a ‘quick and easy’ approach rarely measure up to the quality and depth of the real thing.  It makes so much sense for anything that we set out learn, to do it right the first time so as to avoid frustration and discouragement.

Our focus is on sharing and promoting the basics in dance with our attendees.  It is well recognized that developing a solid foundation in dance provides the ideal platform from which to achieve one’s goals, whatever level they may be.  It can’t be emphasized enough that good, solid basics are the gateway to improvement and success.  We are all different, and finding the best approach for ourselves can be a challenge, but if as a dancer, you have a dance group that you value, demonstrate that with regular support, because any group that does not benefit from your regular participation and support, may not be there for you one day.  If you or anyone you know might like to receive our Weekly Updates, please be sure to get names and email addresses to us.  Alternatively, if anyone does not wish to continue receiving our updates, we adhere to a permission-based platform for sending email communications in compliance with Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation, so please be sure to let us know what and when to unsubscribe.


As our slogan goes, “Make Dance a Habit – It Will Change Your Life”.  We encourage you to make time for dance in your life, and to encourage your friends to do the same.  Here are some of the benefits of regular dancing (courtesy of Fred Astaire Dance Studios):

  • Reduces stress and anxiety & improves your mood
  • Increases self-confidence
  • Enhances brain function & boosts memory
  • Increases energy levels
  • Helps your heart & improves sleep quality
  • Improves flexibility & balance, reducing pain and stiffness
  • Combats aging


You can read the full report on their website: How dancing can improve your mental health


If you have any suggestions or ideas that you feel might be useful, pleased do share…..



Peter & Paz



Please find our Waiver pdf together with the schedule – this one-time form will need to be signed by each attendee at the beginning of every new dance season.


  • When: Every Monday & Friday Evening
  • Time: 7:30pm
  • Where: Brunswick Activity Centre

Address:  425 Brunswick Street, Prince George BC

  • Cost: $50ea/mth in advance (no refunds) – provides confirmed admission to all DN sessions for that full month – cash, cheque or etransfer (to Peter Weedon –
  • Schedule: see under schedule tab
  • Guidelines:
    • Any new applicable Covid Guidelines will be posted at that time
  • Registration:
    • Registration will be by the month only, set at $50ea/mth in advance on a first come, first served basis – no refunds (most forms of payment acceptable except plastic)

Although you do not need a partner to attend, we all realise that by its very nature, dancing is a couples activity. We are not in a position to guarantee a partner, however, singles are very welcome and that of course offers an opportunity to pair up with other singles, so please don’t let that hold you back.

We will send out our weekly updates just before the start of each new week of dance sessions.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email us at any time.


Thank you,

See you soon,

Peter & Paz (fully vaccinated)




Learn With Us

Dancing is a unique form of exercise as it provides the health benefits of aerobic exercise while allowing you to engage in a comfortable, social environment.  Physical benefits aside, dancing has a way of brightening up a person’s day!

Does your level of dance determine or even restrict the type of social event you might attend ?  On one particular occasion we overheard someone saying that, although they would love to, they were not attending a particular prominent dinner & dance event in town because they couldn’t dance well enough – how unfortunate, especially when that scenario is so avoidable.

  • Do you feel awkward dancing in public ?
  • Does your dancing feel stiff and uncoordinated ?
  • Do you seem to always forget your steps or can’t seem to match your steps to the music ?
  • Does your partner never seem to know what you want them to do ?
  • Does it feel like you are not having any fun ?

Well, with a little commitment and determination, and yes, regular practice, almost anyone can become a proficient enough dancer to have the confidence to attend any type dance event they like.  Dance North offers regular practice in a comfortable and friendly environment.  We work on basics, lead and follow, frame and dance floor etiquette, from beginner to intermediate levels.  With all our dance sessions, we focus heavily on fundamentals and basics – with these elements in place, it creates a solid platform for any level of participation.



Casual “Drop-in” is not available at this time – pre-booked, pre-paid dance sessions will run one month at a time for the foreseeable future – see details under “Registration” above

Weekly sessions held Mondays & Fridays at 7:30, September through to June.


Please note that Dance North is a SCENT FREE environment.


About this Website

This website is set up to provide the basics on background information and contact details for Dance North. We do not post to this website on a daily basis, so for the very latest information and schedules, please go to contacts for email or phone information – we will be very happy to pass along the skinny on what’s happening at that particular time.

Also see our New Years Eve event, Boogie with the Stars, which is held every 2 years.

Personal Privacy & Respect

To allay any concerns on a point of personal privacy, we at Dance North wish to assure you that we do not monitor or log the emails or IP addresses of those who read our correspondence or visit our website. We have better things to do with our time, such as focusing on dance and sharing that experience with you.